I've got a raspberry pi that records birdsong at sunrise each morning here for those interested https://www.mohiohio.com Although it mostly recorded wind today. Scroll to get to another day. RSS feed available.
Cool! Do you know the species singing fairly well, or do you attempt any automated identification?
I've been dithering about getting a microphone that I could attach to my Android phone to do better at capturing quiet vocalisations (mainly thinking of that for use with Merlin. I do know the species here fairly well but still not certain of all vocalisations.)
I've been listening for a few minutes. Really beautiful. There was an alarm call close to the mic that must have been a Turdus thrush but other than that I have little idea what I'm listening to! Guess: are drongos in there?
I haven't attempted automated identification but I'd be keen to. Not sure where to start with that at the moment
I passed the audio through birdNET. Either posting onto the website at https://birdnet.cornell.edu/api/ or just running locally via https://github.com/kahst/BirdNET-Analyzer
Oh thanks, I'll have a play with this.