I added the raw .gz files to IPFS when Library of Congress announced this last week: https://github.com/ipfs/archives/issues/152

It's slightly more than 100GB and here it is: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWSzgkftVrkh2859bGT44ahzoqcGhFkjsrQUtH...

(Note that the filesizes in the directory listing are all wrong -- that's the original index.html from loc.gov/cds/downloads/MDSConnect/)

This makes it a lot easier to use this dataset at e.g. hackathons, where a lot of people would simultaneously pester that LoC server, which already seemed pretty bandwidth-limited on its own when I downloaded the files.

Did you push them into the Internet Archive yet? If not, going to grab a beer and start iterating through your IPFS objects.

Go for it! :) I've never pushed anything to IA so far to be honest.