What theme is that?

I don't see it anywhere else on the web so it might be specific to Wezterm, but they seem to call it "Batman".


The terminal theme in that screenshot is the builtin wezterm defaults which are a minor evolution of the "Wez" theme that I uploaded to a random wiki years and years ago, and which found its way into the https://github.com/mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes collection and is now also available as a selectable theme in wezterm: https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/colorschemes/w/index.html#wez (that's NOT the same as wezterm's defaults, but it is very similar!)

The colorscheme used in vim in that screenshot is my personal vim colorscheme which is leaning on the terminal color scheme, with the doc comment color explicitly selecting that orange color, for its added visual terror factor. (Really, I just like my Rust doc comments to be rust colored).