it blows my mind that you can use sqlite with csv as input and then query it, it sounds so logical and useful yet I never came by it.

we have lots of reporting in CSV, can't wait to start using it to run queries quickly

You should checkout powershell; it supports converting CSV into in-memory structured data and then you can run regular powershell queries on that data:

    $> csvData = @"
       John Doe,IT,60000
       Jane Smith,Finance,75000
       Alice Johnson,HR,65000
       Bob Anderson,IT,71000
    $> csvData
         | ConvertFrom-Csv
         | Select Name, Salary
         | Sort Salary -Descending
       Name          Salary
       ----          ------
       Jane Smith    75000
       Bob Anderson  71000
       Alice Johnson 65000
       John Doe      60000
You can also then convert the results back into CSV by piping into ConvertTo-Csv

    $> csvData
         | ConvertFrom-Csv
         | Select Name, Salary
         | Sort Salary -Descending
         | ConvertTo-Csv
       "Jane Smith","75000"
       "Bob Anderson","71000"
       "Alice Johnson","65000"
       "John Doe","60000"
qsv ( also has a sqlp command which lets you run Polars SQL queries on CSV(s).

Here I'll:

  - Send the csv data from stdin (using echo and referred to in the command by -)
  - Refer to the data in the query by stdin. You may also use the _t_N syntax (first table is _t_1, then _t_2, etc.), or the file name itself before the .csv extension if we were using files.
  - Pipe the output to the table command for formatting.
  - Also, the shape of the result is printed to stderr (the (4, 2) below).

  $ echo 'Name,Department,Salary
    John Doe,IT,60000
    Jane Smith,Finance,75000
    Alice Johnson,HR,65000
    Bob Anderson,IT,71000' |
    qsv sqlp - 'SELECT Name, Salary FROM stdin ORDER BY Salary DESC' |
    qsv table
    (4, 2)
    Name           Salary
    Jane Smith     75000
    Bob Anderson   71000
    Alice Johnson  65000
    John Doe       60000