I've recently picked it up, reading "ML for the working programmer". The language is fairly simple, everything just fits. However:

1. Both Vim and Emacs are horribly annoying with their automatic indentation for SML. There is a lot of fighting against the editor in this department. In Emacs e.g. you have to delete whitespace all the time, because otherwise you'd have top-level function definitions shifted 80 characters to the right.

2. I've used Poly/ML and SML/NJ so far. Both of them are purely interactive, meaning I can't just compile a program into ELF and ship it somewhere else without the compiler. That makes it a no-go for me for real-world use.

3. The interactive modes of Poly/ML and SML/NJ don't support readline shortcuts. They are the most cumbersome REPLs I've ever used.

4. Inline type declarations (as opposed to Haskell-style type declarations on a separate line) are very noisy - they make reading the code harder. Omitting them (which is the rule in SML in practice) leads to hard-to-decipher compilation errors when you write a new piece of code and you made an error somewhere which confused the type-inference about your intentions. Suddenly forgetting about a word or a set of parentheses in one function results in errors in another perfectly-good function. It's the horror of C++ templates all over again.

Not a huge fan of ML for the Working Programmer, personally. I'd love to see (or one day write) the equivalent of Practical Common Lisp (which itself needs an update at this point) because MftWP is sooo dated. But I can see how it's a decent enough intro.

Regarding your points:

1. Yeah editor support sucks. I normally edit in text mode with my own minimal keyword highlighting or ocaml-mode.

2. Poly/ML can definitely generate binaries! Most distros ship with `polyc` that will build the binary for you. But this is just a shell script around opening the REPL and calling some dump image function (like how you build a binary on SBCL). MLton and Poly/ML definitely allow you to build binaries. I don't know about SML/NJ.

3. For sure a pain. I use rlwrap [0] to work around this, which is ultimately simple enough!

4. Interesting! I personally find Haskell-style decorations so much more a pain since they're not inline. SML is very much like other major languages in the way it does inline types (TypeScript, Go, C#, etc.).

[0] https://github.com/hanslub42/rlwrap