Been feeling a little miffed about this recently. Litestream is excellent but if you have multiple writers your db gets corrupted. Quite easy to do with rolling deploys.

LifeFS was announced and is intended to help this. Now seems like ( it requires an HTTP proxy so that the application can guess about sqlite write/read usage by reading the HTTP request method. This seems... to introduce a different (maybe better?) set of gotchas to navigate.

There are now SQLite cloud offerings but you pay the network overhead and avoiding that was so much of the appeal of using SQLite.

Are people successfully using SQLite in a work or production setting with a replication and consistency strategy that they like? I've had trouble getting a setup to the point where I can recommend it for use at my jarb.

I've had success in a production capacity with using rqlite before. There are also a bunch of other alternatives that still seem to be actively maintained, although I've only used rqlite myself before:


