I'm waiting for Ogre3D 2.0 to be released.

To be honest, I'm more and more tempted to make my own "engine" and implement just the things I need, instead of using an engine that will often have too many features I don't need.

All I really need is a camera, vertex geometry tools, and a flexible and well designed shader system (since shaders are now essentials for 3D graphics. Most of what an engine do, or should really do, is shader management).

I don't need:

* animation

* a scene manager

* sound

* inputs

* font

* texture

* physics

I'd really like an engine that only do graphics and do it well. That is what makes Ogre3D good at what it does. All I'd hope for is a data-oriented engine, instead of object oriented.

bgfx sounds like what you're looking for: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx