I see you still are a fan of lock-in. Calling it "fine" and saying that's how it's supposed to be is not helpful. "Industry" which thinks backwards doesn't need to be shown as an example. It's not the "industry", it's monopolistic participants who use lock-in to control the market. Progress is driven by competition, not by monopolistic lock-in stagnation.

most companies have and will just port it to different platforms, using the api that gives them the most performance. It's hardly lock-in

> most companies have and will just port it to different platforms, using the api that gives them the most performance

Yes, when they have a choice and resources. It's not even the case here. I.e. it's not like developers simply prefer lock-in when dealing with some of the walled garden platforms. They simply have no choice - the likes of MS, Sony and others don't leave them that choice. It's not a discussion on technical merits. You could use your logic if developers could actually choose.

Of course they do, but under NDA, just ask. OpenGL on top of whatever GAPI is on target platform is usually <100 KLOC, so completely possible to write your own if you REALLY need to (really is when your 1kk+$ budget game will fail just because there is an engineering problem).

And if you don't have resources to ask/communicate than just use something like https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/ which is an awesome API agnostic rendering library.