Congrats on the launch. Perhaps I missed it, but what are the system requirements to run the self-hosted version? Seems decently heavy (Clickhouse, MongoDB, Redis, HyperDX services)? Is there a Helm chart to install into k8s?
Look forward to the syslog integration which says coming soon. I have a hobby project which uses systemd services for each of my Python apps and the path with least resistance is just ingest syslog (aware that I lose stack traces, session reply, etc).
The absolute bare minimum I'd say is 2GB RAM, though in the README we do say 4GB and 2 cores for testing, obviously more if you're at scale and need performance.
For Syslog - it's something we're actually pretty close to because we already support Heroku's syslog based messages (though it's over HTTP), but largely need to test the otel Syslog receiver + parsing pipeline will translate as well as it should (PRs always welcome of course but it shouldn't be too far out from now ourselves :)). I'm curious are you using TLS/TCP syslog or plain TCP or UDP?
Here's my docker stats on a x64 linux VM where it's doing some minimal self-logging, I suspect the otel collector memory can be tuned down to bring the memory usage closer to 1GB, but this is the default out-of-the-box stats, and the miner can be turned off if log patterns isn't needed:
439e3f426ca6 hdx-oss-miner 0.89% 167.2MiB / 7.771GiB 2.10% 3.25MB / 6.06MB 8.85MB / 0B 21
7dae9d72913d hdx-oss-task-check-alerts 0.03% 83.65MiB / 7.771GiB 1.05% 6.79MB / 9.54MB 147kB / 0B 11
5abd59211cd7 hdx-oss-app 0.00% 56.32MiB / 7.771GiB 0.71% 467kB / 551kB 6.23MB / 0B 11
90c0ef1634c7 hdx-oss-api 0.02% 93.71MiB / 7.771GiB 1.18% 13.2MB / 7.87MB 57.3kB / 0B 11
39737209c58f hdx-oss-hostmetrics 0.03% 72.27MiB / 7.771GiB 0.91% 3.83GB / 173MB 3.84MB / 0B 11
e13c9416c06e hdx-oss-ingestor 0.04% 23.11MiB / 7.771GiB 0.29% 73.2MB / 89.4MB 77.8kB / 0B 5
36d57eaac8b2 hdx-oss-otel-collector 0.33% 880MiB / 7.771GiB 11.06% 104MB / 68.9MB 1.24MB / 0B 11
78ac89d8e28d hdx-oss-aggregator 0.07% 88.08MiB / 7.771GiB 1.11% 141MB / 223MB 147kB / 0B 11
8a2de809efed hdx-oss-redis 0.19% 3.738MiB / 7.771GiB 0.05% 4.36MB / 76.5MB 8.19kB / 4.1kB 5
2f2eac07bedf hdx-oss-db 1.34% 75.62MiB / 7.771GiB 0.95% 105MB / 3.79GB 1.32MB / 246MB 56
032ae2b50b2f hdx-oss-ch-server 0.54% 128.7MiB / 7.771GiB 1.62% 194MB / 45MB 88.4MB / 65.5kB 316
Thanks for the reply and providing detailed system requirements and docker stats. Seems I missed the note in the README. :-)
Actually I am not really using syslog per say, but systemd journalctl which default behaviour on Debian (rsyslog) also duplicates to /var/log/syslog.
Is there a better integration to pull logs from my systemd services and journalctl up to HyperDX?
Happy to dive more into the discord too if you'd like!