TL/DR: this is super generic "convert serial device to LCD display using Arduino" tutorial, this time talking to RS-485 equipped anemometer.

Looks like the anemometer itself can only be purchased from manufacturer, for $73 + unknown shipping, and using "contact us" form only (there is no web store) [0]. And the datasheet is available by request only. Normally this would disqualify any product, but $73 is very cheap for ultrasonic anemometers, so if you really have a need for one, this is something to consider.

(but the implementation in the article itself is NOT the approach I'd recommend.. If you are buying $100 sensor, don't pair it with tiny $3 display with tiny hard-to-read letters, spend a few dollars more and get yourself a nicer, bigger display. And while at it, might as well take advantage of RS485 multipoint nature and stick a thermometer in that empty louver box underneath the device)


Or buy a complete weather station which includes an anemometer. I have this one and it works well (although not for measuring light rainfall):

Less fun because nothing can be build, although the transmitted data conforms to standards and can be processed with for example So one can gather all data with a simple dongle and process that with a RPi.