On my TO-DO project list, there is "BASIC compiler/interpreter for raspberry(-like) computers".

I am nostalgic of Commodore64 too.

The thing that made many of us go down the rabbit hole was the immediacy of the interpreter, begging you to enter some commands 2 seconds after turning on your computer.

The perceived small gap between the commands you enter in a programming language and the games you could play with the machine contributed largely to the curiosity and willing to learn more.

On a modern computer, building the right interpreter is challenging. There is a trade-off between the simplicity of the language and what you can achieve with it. You won't impress today's kids if it allows you to only print text on a scrolling page.

But I think one can build something really great. There could be an integrated sprite editor (with a graphic UI) and the interpreter can use them right away with something like: Sprite1.visible Sprite1.x = 10

emphasising again the immediacy. Those "sprites" could be 3d objects as well.

As mentioned in another comment, I am planning to add a C/C++ interpreter and I have put GNUstep in there, so that people can easily build their sprite editors and other game dev tools :-)

Something to look at if you want to encourage simple game development is supporting PICO-8 [0], or the compiled Nim version Nico [1].

[0]: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php?page=faq

[1]: https://github.com/ftsf/nico