> MessagePack: It's like JSON. but fast and small

and complete.

Both are minimal self describing data serialization formats, but JSON is incomplete. It misses a type to represent one of the fundamental type: byte blobs. And also parts of floats.

Which means there are a lot inconsistent ways to hack that in e.g. base64 encoded strings. But this means it's loosing partially it's property of being self-describing (same if you allow numbers as strings e.g. "-12").

Just to be clear I'm not saying JSON should have bytes directly in it. But a "native" base64 string additional to string, number, null, list and map would help. E.g. `{ "bytes": b"YWJjZGU=" }`

Wrt. floats it's missing (+/-) Infinity, NaN is more like a error variant so it's okish to be missing, but then why not have it.

Also for completeness it would be better to differentiate between int and float as float is imprecise due to rounding errors.


PS: I don't like `null` but having it in this kind of data serialization format is still required. But the difference between a field not being there and it being `null` can be a mess and not all tools handle it well.

PPS: Both JSON and MsgPack can be used for non self describing serialization, e.g. by serializing the a record (fixed number of fields in known order) as a list of values instead of a mapping. But both are focused on enabling self describing serialization.

EDIT: PPPS: Yes, it's a very weak form of self-describing is use here, there are systems which are much more self describing e.g. XML+XML Schema linked from the XML document but also tend to be far more complex

JSON is also missing a date type. Sure, you can use a string serialization but that's ambiguous.

It's also non-extensible so these types it's missing cannot be added without assumptions or overhead from convention.

Transit is a good solution to this.

Why wouldn't you just use epoch time?

1. It is lower fidelity (seconds vs milliseconds). 2. It's also not a type. How do you distinguish epoch from number?

> It's also not a type. How do you distinguish epoch from number?

I dunno, how do you distinguish "April" (the month) vs "April" (someone's first name) or 18 (kg) vs 18 ($) vs 18 (-th of the month) vs 18 (page number)?

> It is lower fidelity (seconds vs milliseconds).

This isn't a problem if you have a conforming implementation (2^52 milliseconds is over 100'000 years), but as nitrogen pointed out, you do apparently have to worry about that.

What the original poster means is that if I go JSON.parse(...) then how does that know to give me an object with a Date type instead of a Number? Answer: It can't.

This is a frequent gotcha with Typescript, where even if your type is declared with a Date field, Javascript won't care when it deserializes it, as that type information is all erased and not available at runtime.

(Also, Number in JS being floating point and all, it lacks the integer precision for high resolution timestamps - if you start serialising 64 bit timestamps and expect a JS-style runtime to do good things with them it doesn't end well.)

Since Typescript is mentioned, might as well mention the awesome io-ts[1] library. It gives you both runtime validation and static type safety with very simple syntax.

[1]: https://github.com/gcanti/io-ts