> Low-quality and misleading information online can hijack people’s attention, often by evoking curiosity, outrage, or anger. Resisting certain types of information and actors online requires people to adopt new mental habits that help them avoid being tempted by attention-grabbing and potentially harmful content.
Step 1: disable all notifications and background app refresh on your phone for all social media apps. Your mental health and battery life will improve dramatically.
Give them your attention on your own terms and schedule, not theirs.
Step 2: use uBlock origin, PiHole and vivalidi browser on mobile and don't be a part of this bs world
So, how much effort is it to setup and maintain PiHole? Conceptually it sounds great, but if I set it up properly it's going to impact not just me, but everything in the house, which mean my wife.
And Fiddly and "F-with it" stuff just is not attractive. There's enough internet rage when everything is (supposedly) working as it should much less with something like PiHole potentially mucking things up.
So, just curious how it is to live with PiHole.
On maintenance: there is an included admin console from which you can whitelist or blacklist domains. The external adlists are updated automatically.
The only time I've been frustrated with my PiHole is when I forget it exists and try to use analytics tools (Logrocket, FB analytics) for work. Otherwise haven't noticed any adverse effects on my web experience.