I hope this doesn't displace Samba.

NFS is a pain to use specifically because it's compiled into the kernel, and reads config files that have to live in /etc. That makes it very hard to run or control as an unprivileged user. It also means that a file in /etc needs to be writeable. That makes NFS servers very hard to start, stop, and configure as part of a test bench.

Kernel NFS also essentially displaced all userspace NFS servers (that I'm aware of anyways). At least, I've never been able to get a userspace one to work.

I like Samba specifically because it's easy to configure, start, and stop from userspace. I don't want to see it get obsoleted.

If it helps, as far as I'm aware Ganesha [1] is still widely used, supported, in some cases faster than the kernel implementation, and can be pointed at an arbitrary config file.

[1] https://github.com/nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha