Is this a true cloud managed SQLite or is this like their PostgreSQL documentation where it's just a bunch of pre configured docker containers and the developer is expected to manage everything themselves? If the db goes down for an extended period of time at 3am, does have an engineer on call?

I find that has been a very disingenuous startup. They position themselves as some sort of Heroku successor and hide behind their developer content marketing while providing very low quality infrastructure. At the end of the day, fancy blog posts may win hearts and minds, but downtime cost businesses actual money.

Author here. I think we could have set better expectations with our Postgres docs. It wasn't meant to be a managed service but rather some tooling to help streamline setting up a database and replicas. I'm sorry about the troubles you've had and that it's come off as us being disingenuous. We blog about things that we're working on and find interesting. It's not meant say that we've figured everything out but rather this is what we've tried.

As for this post, it's not managed SQLite but rather an open source project called LiteFS [1]. You can run it anywhere that runs Linux. We use it in few places in our infrastructure and found that sharing the underlying database for internal tooling was really helpful for that use case.
