Maybe I'm not using my shell to the fullest, but 95% of commands are pretty simple, and not complicated queries. `ls` might have a bajillion flags, but `-lah` go a long way. Because fish's autocomplete, I don't have to remember tar flags. That's the killer feature for me.

Along those lines, a quick way to drive adoption could be a huge "how do i do x" or recipes page to Ctrl+F through. If I have to search the internet for how to do x in nushell/fish/etc, I might as well stick to arcane bash - at least you know someone has had the same problem before.

Make it easy for me to get stuff done by showing me how to get stuff done, and I'll grok the shell bit by bit.

I did see , but it isn't really a searchable reference. There's some setup stuff, other short pages with basic tutorials (?), a link to a repo with example scripts, and for one-liners you are instructed to join a discord. None of these are easily searchable.

> Along those lines, a quick way to drive adoption could be a huge "how do i do x" or recipes page to Ctrl+F through. If I have to search the internet for how to do x in nushell/fish/etc, I might as well stick to arcane bash - at least you know someone has had the same problem before.