Can anyone comment on the state of Typescript - Google Closure integration ?

This is a great question, and to clarify for anyone not following along closely:

Some of us using TypeScript dream of a day when TypeScript emits JavaScript already annotated with type meditations which express as much of the typescript type system as possible in a way that Closure can understand, thereby making it possible for Closure to perform maximally efficient tree shaking and other magic with code that started as TypeScript. Such a thing as necessary and helpful because the addition of this detailed type data makes it possible for Closure to do a much better job that it can do with "just" untyped JavaScript.

We are working on this here:

It's already used within Google to effectively optimize TypeScript apps. However, someone still needs to write the integrations between tsickle and the multitude of public JS build systems and there's not a lot of pressure on me to do it (I have lots of other work to do).