Whilst unrelated to the article, my complaint about codecs in Rust is that they seem to be slow. Whilst the reason for this might be the immaturity of the libraries that I've used, but they've always been slower than their C counter-parts. The native JPEG decoder spins up 4 threads to decode the same amount of frames at 3x the time as the libjpeg-turbo does. There's a similar story for the FLAC decoder.
I don't think that any of this has anything to do with the language itself, it's just that it takes time for things to mature. As for the issues outlined in the article - the language is different enough from C and C++ that one just has to accept the fact that you cannot write idiomatic C and C++ in Rust and expect it to be comfortable, performant or safe. However, with Rust, I'd say, that one can achieve 99% of what one can achieve in C today. The only thing that Rust is missing currently is the ability to arbitrarily jump around the call stack due to the way destructors are implemented, but there's a way to mitigate this and it's being worked as far as I was aware.
allocator: I ran into the same situation and abstracted it with a generic allocator: https://github.com/dropbox/rust-alloc-no-stdlib it's an ugly solution, but it works and can allow for significant perf improvements down the line by bundling all same types together
benchmarks: I simply made a test that printed the time
primitive types: it's easy to write generic functions that do this
macro system: I found to be amazing, but I never used it to compact data types
borrow checker: split_at_mut was super helpful...also core::cmp::replace was useful to taking away pieces of a structure and manipulating them, then putting them back
Though it wasn't all roses: to try to get SSE vectorization I had to convert this 6 line short string matching function https://github.com/dropbox/rust-brotli/blob/238c9c539b446d7d...
into this multi hundred line monster with macros and so forth https://github.com/dropbox/rust-brotli/blob/238c9c539b446d7d...
but in the end it was as fast as hand-tuned intrinsics in C
I also found myself scared by dependencies, including onto the std library, so I tried to get everything to remain within the core library. This should allow something as low-level as a codec to be used in kernel space or in another place where a custom allocator is needed.
I also found that "rewriting in safe rust from C" was made easy by corrode https://github.com/jameysharp/corrode since C and rust can be interface compatible, it's easy to go one file at a time and turn it into working rust, then safe rust.