Is it? I only know of Bun but I've not heard of any other Zig programs. In contrast, with languages like Go or Rust, there are any number of notable programs being built that many people have heard of. You might just be taking the popularity of one example, Bun, and extrapolating that as evidence that the language itself, Zig, is gaining much popularity.

The most relevant uses of Zig that come to mind are:

- Bun, as you mentioned - -

Plus a bunch of other companies (including some very big ones) and projects that use Zig here and there, eg AWS uses cargo-zigbuild

Zig also has a few other very promising OSS projects:

- (wayland compositor) - (HAL for embedded development) - (truly cross-platform gamedev) - (another serious gamedev toolkit)

Just off the top of my mind. Like for all things, you gotta get started somewhere and this is where we are at the moment.