visidata anyone?

This fx rewrite is very exciting. I'll have to try it. I thought of fx as a wrapper around jq, that allowed quick iteration over building jq scripts. Sort of an Ultimate Plumber [1] but only for jq. It looks like it is now more like a JavaScript processor plus an interactive viewer.

Someone mention Visidata[2]? VisiData is also a TUI that is great on tabular data, and it can work with json. If your JSON is mostly tabular in nature, Visidata does a great job at showing that data and allowing you to explore it. A lot of json I deal with is tabular-like data. There is a great tutorial [3], that can help you get your bearings with Visidata. Once you understand those basics you might want to look at this thread [4] for what commands you can use with json.

[1] Ultimate Plumber:

[2] Visidata:

[3] "Intro to VisiData Tutorial": by Jeremy Singer-Vine

[4] "Is it possible to "flatten" structured data (like JSON?)":