I've been using Syncthing for about a year now, with multiple computers, and it's fantastic.

Dropbox has become a real pain over the years (I've also been a paid Dropbox customer for a long time):

* adding bloat and features that I don't want or need

* constantly nagging me for upgrades

* lying that the admin password is required (it isn't)

* consuming large amounts of CPU when anything changes anywhere in the filesystem

If Dropbox had a subscription plan where I could pay to get just the basic file sync functionality, with no nagging, no prompting, and optimized CPU usage, I would be happy to hand over my money. But it seems the company is run by the marketing team now.

I highly recommend syncthing as a very, very capable replacement.

Can you summarize what they maybe introduced/fixed to quell your old review?

> over the last week, syncthing has corrupted my git repository twice. I reported this as an issue, but the issue was immediately closed with an explanation I disagree with.

> I no longer trust syncthing until this gets resolved, unfortunately.


I would absolutely be syncing directories containing git repos, for better or worse

I had the exact same thing, granted, it was ten years ago already, with dropbox. Something something file versioning, ending up with neighboring files of conflicting revisions, the disease spreading over to all instances.

My takeaway was „never keep git repos in a system that does its own distributed versioning”. I just do git push around so my remotes are up to date. Git is sort of dropbox with a manual gearbox, after all (and more, but that’s not the point).

I’m really unsure that this is a kind of easily solvable problem for either dropbox or syncthing. Unless your syncing product gets smart enough to understand what a git repository is and how some files have to be checked in in lockstep, that is. Otherwise, expect race conditions.

So, if you really want to use dropbox for syncing git repos, this plugin solves the problem well:


For me, it solved all of the corruption problems with using Dropbox for git storage. In the end, I decided it was too heavy weight, and wanted to be able to clone my repo on machines that might not have anything other than "git" installed, but until I reached that point, I was a happy user of it.

I'm not aware of a similar tool for syncthing.