HUBFS is a file system for GitHub and Git. Git repositories and their contents are represented as regular directories and files and are accessible by any application, without the application having any knowledge that it is really accessing a remote Git repository. The repositories are writable and allow editing files and running build operations.

Or you could, you know, clone the repository into a local working tree.

That works well for small repos or a few repos but if you want to find all cc files, at all release branch's, in your entire company and check for some exploit it is helpful to have a VFS. Makes it so you could also support N SCMs through one API. You just need to make a new VFS.

Isn't there already a good way to push computation closer to the data?

GmailFS and pyfilesystem (userspace FUSE) and rclone are neat as well. explains about the `git push` step that git-remote-dropbox enables: