I’m thinking someone could make this run in 3d graphics saving me a few $$

Sure, just use gazebo

"Show HN: Ghidra Plays Mario" (2023) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37475761 :

[RL, ..., MuZero unplugged w/ PyTorch ]

> Farama-Foundation/Gymnasium is a fork of OpenAI/gym and it has support for additional Environments like MuJoCo: https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/Gymnasium#environments

> Farama-Foundatiom/MO-Gymnasiun: "Multi-objective Gymnasium environments for reinforcement learning": https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/MO-Gymnasium

Idea: Generate code like BlenderGPT to generate drone rover sim scenarios and environments like the Moon and Mars

TIL about teh "Bush Winch" which mounts to a tire for off-road vehicle recovery. Note the winch line blankets, snatch blocks, and tree protectors in this video about off-road vehicle recovery: https://youtu.be/OXxLh8shMu8?si=bv59t8T1or07-K7l

Also RIL about o3de, which does PhysX: https://github.com/bernhard-42/jupyter-cadquery/issues/99#is...

O3de has an ROS2 module: https://www.docs.o3de.org/docs/api/gems/ros2/