"correct" is a value judgement that depends on lots of different things. Only you can decide which tool is correct. Here are some ideas:

- https://camel.apache.org/

- https://www.windmill.dev/

- https://github.com/huginn/huginn

Your idea about a queue (in redis, or postgres, or sqlite, etc) is also totally valid. These off-the-shelf tools I listed probably wouldn't give you a huge advantage IMO.

I agree there are many options in this space. Two others to consider:

- https://airflow.apache.org/

- https://github.com/spotify/luigi

There are also many Kubernetes based options out there. For the specific use case you specified, you might even consider a plain old Makefile and incrond if you expect these all to run on a single host and be triggered by a new file showing up in a directory…

I like Airflow because you can give access to the web UI to operators and they can kick/run/stop tasks or graphs of tasks. Both Airflow and Luigi expect you to express your workflow as a DAG in Python code.