Does anyone use this daily? this gets posted a few times a year to HN but tbh it looks like someone just re-invented vi. Which seems kindof like creating a new religion. It can be done, but even the best televangelist isn't going to hold a candle to the spread of the catholic church.
I am using it daily, as my sole editor, for a little more than a year now. Before that I used Neovim. Most important reasons for the switch are:
* Leaves window management to the window manager, so it works much better with a tiling wm. I wish all applications did this.
* Selecting first and then specifying an action works way better than the other way around, as it is done in the Vim family.
Edit: regarding the comments and Vim's visual mode, you are right. I like to change my second bullet to "Does not have too many modes, like the Vim family."
> * Selecting first and then specifying an action works way better than the other way around, as it is done in the Vim family.
There is visual mode in vim too you know. That's for doing exactly what you describe. I use that when I'm unsure about the movement I need for an action.
Visual mode only allows for a single selection, though
You don't need multi-cursor selection in vim.
Vim has all the tools necessary to achieve the same end result with the same convenience. [0]
Just thinking about what crazy things I've done with macros that multi-cursor would be incapable of handling makes me chuckle.
vim doesn't need the fancy features of other editors (except for maybe LSP and tree-sitter for a more IDE-like experience).
The core problem is that you don't grok vi [1] which is fine, not everyone has time and passion for that. But please don't think for a moment that vim is inferior just because it doesn't blindly copy other editors features.
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