Fly is great.

They’ve got Chris McCord there, who has already improved their Elixir deployment story. I tweeted a few weeks ago about improving the default Rails deployment experience to not require DB provisioning and configuration of env vars like SECRET_BASE_KEY and they said it would likely ship within the next 3 months.

My hot take is they’re setting themselves up to ride the server-side rendered HTML renaissance we are experiencing with LiveView and Hotwire. It will become much more important to deploy applications geographically closer to customers to lower latency, which Fly makes sane for the rest of us.

What kind of Rails apps run without a DB? or how can you scale your app with a DB across 10+ regions?

Would love to understand better how to deploy Rails with fly and still benefit from multi-region/failover/scaling

p.s. horrible nitpick, but I think it’s SECRET_KEY_BASE :)

Read heavy Rails apps work great multi region:

We have a Gem to make it almost transparent: