I'm a bit lost, even after trying the demo I can't understand why this should be better than, say, Discourse.

Your implementation is probably not based on Ruby - which makes it more interesting - but it's not open source. In terms of features, they don't seem to compare at all as this is really early stage.

The idea behind the project is good, and I think this is the future. I successfully pushed the company I work for to use internally a Discourse instance to overcome the same issues you faced - and it works. We now have an "internal StackOverflow" and an engaging community. It's not a new concept (see Google's YAQS), but it's a (IMHO) working one that many more companies should adopt as it really increases knowledge sharing and productivity!

Best of luck with your project, I think you're on the right path but you should definitely start comparing this to Discourse and define why should anyone get this - and why must it be SaaS (some big companies are against SaaS for their stuff).

Best I can tell, it is indeed Ruby on Rails.

> https://delivery.booklet.group/rails/active_storage/represen...">

Yes, it's Ruby on Rails! I'm using Hotwired on the frontend, which has been great for making discussions real-time while minimizing complexity. I'm hosting on Fly.io - I had used Render for a prior product (https://postcard.page), and found Render slow. Fly lets me set up multiple data centers, and they have an elegant little Ruby gem [1] to enable multi-region support on Rails without much fuss.

[1] https://github.com/superfly/fly-ruby