
Boolean algebra

Boolean logic gates / (set theory)

CPU / cache

Memory / storage

Data types (signed integers, floats, decimals, strings), encoding


A bottom-up (topologically sorted) computer science curriculum (a depth-first traversal of a Thing graph) ontology would be a great teaching resource.

One could start with e.g. "Outline of Computer Science", add concept dependency edges, and then topologically (and alphabetically or chronologically) sort.

There are many potential starting points and traversals toward specialization for such a curriculum graph of schema:Things/skos:Concepts with URIs.

How to handle classical computation as a "collapsed" subset of quantum computation? Maybe Constructor Theory?

From "Resources to get better at theoretical CS?" :

- "Open Source Society University: Path to a self-taught education in Computer Science!"

This is also great:

- "Coding Interview University"

Neither these nor the ACM Curriculum are specifically topologically sorted.