I wish AWS would do this and deprecate CloudFormation.

I haven't used Cloudformation in three years, how's it doing these days?

I see a roughly even split of people using CFn, Terraform and (Python) CDK.

AWS shot themselves in the foot by making the Python version of CDK second-tier after Typescript; IaC is still done by DevOps people far more often than application people, and DevOps people use Python.

Another gripe is the number of services and new features which launch without CFn support, which also blocks CDK support; when Terraform supports a new platform feature before the vendors own tools do, that's a sign the product teams are being driven by the wrong metrics.

Every version of the CDK uses an interop layer and runs on top of the Typescript version


And as far as TF supports services before CFT. Guess which is easier for an AWS employee to do - getting the CF service team to support a new service or just contribute to Terraform’s open source project?

I know of at least one service where the service team introduced the needed APIs and then an employee of AWS wrote the TF provider and contributed to the project before AWS’s own internal team added it to CFT.

Source: former AWS ProServe employee. I am not referring to myself as the author.