> It’s no secret that Unity is painful to use: it’s slow to open, and it often pauses to re-scan the entire project while you’re trying to work

Is this actually true? I always figured Unity's selling point was being lighter and easier to use than unreal.

Godot looks like Unity from 2008, it's easy to boast efficiency when you have a limited product.

The quoted statement is 100% accurate. Unity is very slow. When I worked on Unity with a larger project, I'd often have to wait 10+ seconds for Unity to rescan the entire project every time I switched windows from my IDE to Unity, or every time I ran the project. In similar project sizes, Godot was always lightning fast.

> Godot looks like Unity from 2008, it's easy to boast efficiency when you have a limited product.

Unity does have more features - like more obscure 3D features - but that has nothing to do with how Unity deems it necessary to rescan the project tree all the time. Also, when I used Unity, I never used these extra features, so even if this were true, how come all users have to pay the price for features that only a few of us will use?

Honestly, core Godot is very full-featured, and in my experience the central abstractions are much better thought out than those in Unity. I feel a lot of the FUD around "Unity has more features than Godot" comes from people that like seeing a long list of features, not from people who actually need those features.

The only real FUD that has any basis is 1) The lack of good 3D support and 2) DOTS style architecture. These are things the community is addressing now for future releases.

The 3D support will be significantly overhauled in 4.x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNJXkcQxXEg and additional enhancements will reduce the need for DOTS/ECS for many. There's also Godex https://github.com/GodotECS/godex that adds ECS to the engine.