I make WebGL multiplayer games using Unity.

The original changes essentially shut me down.

Yesterday, I just found out Unity has changed their definition to exempt WebGL games: a partial relief. I have little confidence Unity will stick to their plans.

In between I evaluated all the alternatives to Unity specifically about WebGL players.

unfortunately WebGL is either impossible or crippled in other engines, frameworks. Further, other engines are like MS Paint versus Unity who would be Adobe Creative Cloud.

Here is my WebGL summary:

Godot uses Node trees instead of Entity Component. Porting Unity scripts almost impossible because of this amongst other reasons. Attempts to weld Entity Component only supported on Godot 4 but….

Godot 4+ WebGL does not work on Mac with no plans to change. Godot is waiting for Chrome to fix something, no comment on Safari, FF, others. One forum poster doing Godot WebGL export noticed that the Empty Scene WebGL export of Godot is 17MB versus 4MB for Unity.

Unreal 5 does not export to WebGL. However you can use UE 4

UE4 WebGL is not much discussed and the pieces you can find imply the output size, and thus customer download time, is significantly larger than Unity’s

Stride does not export to WebGL.

So UE4 seemed the only other option

I wonder if Godex[0] could be a fit for you. ECS based Godot, based on 3.x which has much more broad WebGL support.

[0] https://github.com/GodotECS/godex