Apparently "the rest of us" is people interested in using garbage-collected languages with WASM, because the post is mostly about the new-ish GC support in WASM.

I don't believe that's the correct way to use WASM. If one has a GC collected language one may be better off compiling to JS, or at least a combination of JS and WASM for some linear C-like computation that's then offloaded back to JS.

People need to look at JS, WASM, WebGL/WebGPU and the other browser APIs as a single platform, and use the right parts for the right job, instead of reimplementing JS functionality in WASM and vice versa etc.

A platform shouldn't dictate details like what programming language to use to create applications for that platform. It's already bad enough with iOS and ObjC/Swift or Android with Java/Kotlin, but at least there are escape hatches on those platforms. WASM is the escape hatch that was needed on the browser platform.

I'm discussing JS and WASM as two compile targets for your preferred language. No one is "dictating" anything. But JS and WASM are complementary in some important ways. GC being one.

Are you aware that WASM is going to have a GC soon?

It's in phase 3 (Implementation Phase):