I don't mean to be a partypooter, but I watched the full Datasette pitch video and there's something I probably just don't get.

Isn't this really just a SQL GUI? Like basically any other SQL admin panel out there (minus the the writes)?

What's the distinctive feature here? The extensions?

I think of it more like MS Access but a sane backend of sqlite and python. There are thousands and thousands of critical business processes cludged together in Excel and Access--datasette could be a much better choice for those use cases. Something both devs and business people can use.

Yeah Access is a really interesting comparison (Datasette has quite a way to go on that front).

I find it baffling that Microsoft haven't invested more in Access. The world needs a truly great desktop/mobile database solution! Excel isn't enough.

Regular human beings should be able to point a full database at their own problems.

Check out Grist in the ‘Access with sane backend’ space. SQLite, open source and fantastic UX https://www.getgrist.com/ and https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core

I use and love both Datasette and Grist - they’re complementary.